In 2000 Dr. Wani heard about a boy with no hands and no legs writing beautiful notes holding a pen in his teeth. Dr. Wani was curious to meet this interesting determined individual. This was at the Helpers of the Handicapped in Kolhapur (HOH).
There he found wheel chair bound HHK leader Naseema Hurzuk who had conquered her disabilities and had assisted hundreds of physically challenged to become fully functional. The visit later led to providing MSSO assistance to several projects of HHK. The latest project involved expansion of their integrated co-ed school in partnership with DFATD. In the current year, 12% of the students enrolled in the school are physically challenged. The first batch of the students from the school appeared for the Secondary School Certificate examination at the end of the 10th grade in March 2011. In the class of 14, there were 5 physically challenged students. The two top performers were both physically challenged.