How MSSO Began:
MSSO (Maharashtra Seva Samiti Organization) visionary founder, Canadian immigrant Dr. Jagannath Wani in 1984 proposed to some professionals like himself that they pay back their country of origin for their education, now benefiting Canada. They could do this by helping the underprivileged in India, the populous country of their education and birth, he reasoned. Thus was born MSSO. A very active Toronto chapter began 2009.
MSSO work has been mostly, but not exclusively, in the rural area of India outside Mumbai in Maharashtra. While MSSO looks after funding, grant applications, identification of projects and partners, MSSO personnel do not carry out the actual developmental work. The work is carried out exclusively by carefully screened local NGOs, with proven track records of working on the front lines of poverty and related issues in their respective communities. This work is continually & carefully monitored by MSSO.
MSSO works with:
MSSO Vision is to:
Promote sustainable development, economic & social of the less fortunate.
MSSO Mission is to: