Charity Reg # 10765 4410 RR 0001

School that Gautam’s Mother Built

Gautam’s Mother is about a mother whose mentally challenged son, Gautam, inspires her to start a school for other children like him. Thus, with donated space and three students, Prabodini was formed with a goal to liberate mentally challenged children through teaching them self-reliance. Gautam’s mother sought help from MSSO, CIDA and the Alberta Wild Rose Foundation for building a school and a residence facility where mentally challenged children are taught practical skills for livelihood, and given the opportunity to mingle freely with their peers, feel cherished, and get a sense of belonging and happiness.

School that Gautam’s Mother Built (Part 1):

School that Gautam’s Mother Built (Part 2):

School that Gautam’s Mother Built (Part 3):

School that Gautam’s Mother Built (Part 4):